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Capacity-Building Workshop of « Intangible Cultural Heritage and Museums » in Armenia

The Tehran ICH Centre took a step towards safeguarding and transmission of intangible cultural heritages in the region.

In collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports of the Republic of Armenia, the Regional Research Centre for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in West and Central Asia organised a workshop titled “Intangible Cultural Heritage and Museums” in Armenia.

The First Training of Its Kind in the Region:

This workshop focused on the connection between museums and living heritage in the West and Central Asia.

It emphasized on safeguarding the Intangible Cultural Heritage:

The primary goal of these training sessions is to support member states in creating institutional and professional frameworks for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage based on UNESCO’s 2003 Convention.

A New Bridge of Communication:

These specialized training sessions explored various aspects of museum activities, particularly emphasizing on their role in preserving cultural heritage and intangible heritage.

Topics Discussed in this Workshop:

Various Aspects of Museum Activities:

Two global facilitators presented the different aspects of museum activities related to the safeguarding of intangible heritage through specialized and practical presentations.

Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage:

Participants in this workshop had the chance to get acquainted with modern methods of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage and the possible challenges we might face.

The Connection between Museums and Living Heritage:

The importance of the connection between museums and living heritage, and its role in promoting and introducing intangible heritage to future generations was discussed and explored.

Side Events:

Alongside this educational course, practical classes on carpet weaving and Gata making were held by experts in these fields, allowing participants to gain  practical experience.

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